Wardrobe edit

Less is more !

The closet audit is a useful service which starts by analysing and optimising your closet with the “must have” pieces.
Once your clothes have been sorted out and categorised, your wardrobe becomes much easier to use.

How does it work?



  • Help you to identify and refine your personal shopping habits.
  • Make sure your clothes are talking your language and reflecting your personality.
  • Give you honest and realistic style advice on what suits your body shape.
  • Show you ‘what to wear’ examples for your different lifestyle requirements.



Sort out

  • I will start by the keep/toss/hold exercice:

Keep the clothes which suit you, are in great condition.
Toss the clothes which are old fashioned,stained or damaged.
Hold the clothes which are still in good condition and you wore during the last few weeks.



I will:

-Showcase new ways of wearing existing pieces in different outfit combinations.
-Work with you to create a shopping list for any missing pieces.



"A cluttered wardrobe = a cluttered mind"

This wardrobe edit will help you to evaluate what is missing in your new closet.
Following your new motto (“less is more”), your shopping  will be more relevant and targeted.

Time saving

An easy to read, organised and fresh looking wardrobe .
After this wardrobe edit,you will be able to check and see what is missing and your shopping will be more efficient.


A more distinctive and sharpen style

Refreshing its wardrobe gives the opportunity to sharpen one’s style.
You will lead your shopping tour as you know what your needs are and won’t be influenced by others.

RATES : from 350 € half day depending on the number of articles Additional hour: 100€.
Place: client home (This rate applies to Paris and the inner suburbs – supplement to determine for areas outside Paris).

Offer and empowering and unique gift

Feel free to contact me to choose the services you would like to offer.