Do you want to escape from the crowds of unpersonal dpt stores and find great new brands? Lucky you! Paris is packed with amazing exclusive men concept stores (La Garconnière, V.B.S, Les Raffineurs, PHM, Il faut Sauver le Monde des Hommes, l’Eclaireur…). I have listed 3 men concept stores I consider as the most accessible and who are in the know… J’ai répertorié 3 concepts stores homme (uniquement)que je considère comme étant les plus accessibles et dans le coup: -EDITIONS OCTOBRE  -ARCHIVES 18/20 -CUB STORE There is a future men concept store to watch: ALE. Contact me to know more about this place 😉

DO YOU WANT TO FEEL LIKE BEING AT THE PROHIBITION PERIOD? GO TO GENTLEMEN 1919! Gentlemen 1919 is a barbershop hidden in the small street of the Champs Elysées area. I took one of my other bearded client there and this is place to be groomed ! The inside is loaded with inspirations from the